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Succulents A - E
Succulents E - F
Succulents G - Z
Indoor plants
Specials Bundle
DIY Gift Range
Pots & Hangers
Garden Statues & Planters
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Our Products
Succulents A - E
Succulents E - F
Succulents G - Z
Indoor plants
Specials Bundle
DIY Gift Range
Pots & Hangers
Garden Statues & Planters
Air Plant
Rare ones
Aeonium Big Bang
from A$6.00
Aeonium Kiwi
from A$3.00
Aeonium Suncup
from A$5.00
Aeonium Ballerina Variegated
from A$4.00
Crassula Multicava “Purple Dragon”
from A$3.00
Echeveria Affinis Black Knight
from A$6.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Agavoides Ebony
from A$10.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Colorata
from A$10.00
Crassula Surprise Party
from A$4.00
Echeveria Black Prince
from A$5.00
Echeveria Painted Beauty
from A$5.00
Echeveria Topsy Turvy
from A$8.00
Echeveria Snow Angle
from A$20.00
Echeveria Pink Frills
from A$10.00
Aeonium Sunburst
from A$6.00
Echeveria Lola
from A$8.00
Crassula Buddha Temple
from A$8.00
Echeveria Mexican Giant
from A$10.00
Aeonium Tabuliforme aka. "Dinner Plate"
from A$3.00
Echeveria Afterglow
from A$15.00
Aeonium Moonburst
from A$15.00
Echeveria Shaviana
from A$3.00
Dioscorea Elephantipes aka. Elephant's Foot
from A$20.00
Aeonium Lily Pad
from A$3.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Purposorum
from A$10.00
Echeveria Glauca
from A$3.00
Echeveria Baron Bold
from A$7.00
Echeveria Blue Metals
from A$6.00
Scadoxus Puniceus "Paintbrush Lily"
from A$15.00
Echeveria Chroma
from A$8.00
Echeveria Hyperion
from A$5.00
Echeveria Blue Apple
from A$6.00
Sold Out
Aeonium Mardi Gras
from A$8.00
Aeonium Lindleyi
from A$3.00
Aeonium Arboreum Zwartkopf
from A$3.00
Aeonium Sedifolium
from A$4.00
Aeonium Green Platter
from A$5.00
Aeonium Sunburst Crested
from A$8.00
Aeonium Mint Saucer
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Flying Cloud Variegated
from A$25.00
Agave Blue Glow
from A$30.00
Echeveria Elegance aka. "The Mexican Snow Ball"
from A$4.00
Echeveria Pinwheel Revolution
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Santa Lewis
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Red Hole
from A$8.00
Aptenia Baby Sunrose Variegata
from A$3.00
Aptenia Baby Sunrose Green with Pink Flower
from A$3.00
Aptenia Baby Sunrose Green with White Flower
from A$3.00
Crassula Campfire
from A$3.00
Crassula Perforata aka. "String of Button"
from A$3.00
Crassula Perforata aka. "String of Button" Varigated
from A$8.00
Crassula Ovata Gollun
from A$3.00
Echeveria Diego Sunset
from A$5.00
Echeveria Harry Watson
from A$3.00
Echeveria Benimusume
from A$4.00
Sold Out
Crassula Capitella Thyrsiflora
from A$3.00
Echeveria Morning Beauty
from A$6.00
Crassula Ovata “Hummel’s sunset”
from A$3.00
Xerosicyos Danguyi Silver Dolar Vine
from A$15.00
Delosperma Echinatum "Pickle Plant"
from A$3.00
Delosperma Lehmannii "Ice Plant"
from A$3.00
Crassula Comet
from A$3.00
Echeveria Pulidonis
from A$3.00
Echeveria Coconut Ice
from A$6.00
Echeveria Briar Rose
from A$5.00
Echeveria Supia
from A$3.00
Crassula Pagoda Village
from A$5.00
Crassula Muscosa Watch Chain
from A$3.00
Crassula Ovata Variegata
from A$4.00
Crassula Propella Plant
from A$5.00
Echeveria Violet Queen
from A$6.00
Echeveria Runyonii
Sale Price:
Original Price:
Echeveria Big Red
from A$6.00
Echeveria Cubic Frost
from A$4.00
Echeveria Fred Ivy
from A$4.00
Cotyledon Kermit
from A$5.00
Crassula Tetragona Miniature Pinetree
from A$3.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Peach Pride
from A$6.00
Echeveria Zorro
from A$25.00
Sold Out
Nananthus Vittatus
from A$6.00
Sold Out
Pleiospilos Nelii
from A$10.00
Agave ypsophila "Ivory Curl"
from A$20.00
Sold Out
Agave Xylonacantha Varigated
Agave Americana Mediopicta Alba aka. “ White Striped Century Plant”
from A$20.00
Sold Out
Agave Desmettiana Golden Moments
from A$15.00
Agave Univittata Splendida "Center Stripe Agave"
from A$15.00
Agave Joe Hoak
from A$15.00
Agave Blue Flame Variegated
from A$20.00
Agave Tradewinds
from A$10.00
Echeveria Pulvinata "Ruby Blush"
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Apus
from A$6.00
Clivia with yellow flower
from A$12.00
Echeveria Suyon
from A$6.00
Echeveria Prolifica
from A$3.00
Echeveria Set Oliver
from A$4.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Pearl von Nunberg
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Crassula Baby Necklace
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Aeonium Aureum aka "Green Rose Buds"
from A$5.00
Euphorbia Milli aka. "Crown of Thorn" - Pink Splash
from A$8.00
Echeveria Zaragozae
from A$10.00
Sold Out
Crassula Platyphylla Varigata
from A$4.00
Crassula Perforata "Hoshi Otome" aka. "Star Maiden"
from A$3.00
Cotyledon Orbiculata "Silver Waves"
from A$8.00
Cotyledon Orbiculata "Silver Dollar"
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Dudelya Gnoma White Sprite
Sold Out
Aeonium Bronze Medal
from A$4.00
Echeveria Lilac Spoon
from A$6.00
Echeveria Joan Daniel
from A$6.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Swane Lake
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Moon Gadis
from A$8.00
Echeveria Shaviana Hime
from A$8.00
Echeveria Dick's Pink
from A$8.00
Echeveria Crinoline Ruffel
from A$8.00
Agave Burnt Burgendy
from A$18.00
Agave Lorapantha Quadricolor
from A$5.00
Echeveria Norma
from A$5.00
Echeveria Blue Bird
from A$6.00
Agave Potatorum Kichiokan Variegated
from A$18.00
Agave Kara's Stipe
from A$15.00
Agave Geminiflora
from A$8.00
Agave Filifera
from A$15.00
Agave Isthmensis
from A$15.00
Cotyledon Pixie Beans
from A$4.00
Echeveria Cante
from A$35.00
Echeveria Orion
from A$8.00
Echeveria Agavoide Miranda
from A$8.00
Agave Pygmae Dragon Toes
from A$15.00
Agave Victoria Reginae
from A$26.00
Echeveria Hera
from A$6.00
Crassula Pellucida Marginalis "Isabella" Variegata
from A$3.00
Cotelydon Oophylla
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Adromischus Cooperi aka. "Plover's Egg"
from A$5.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Black Rose
Albuca Spiral
from A$10.00
Echeveria Agavoides Lipstick
from A$6.00
Echeveria Madiba
from A$20.00
Dudleya Pachyphtum
from A$40.00
Sold Out
Dudleya Brittonii
from A$8.00
Dischidia Oiantha Variegata
from A$5.00
Echeveria Agavoides Yellow Ebony
from A$10.00
Echeveria Dark Vadar
from A$6.00
Echeveria Bloody Maria
from A$5.00
Greenovia Dodrantalis Mountain Rose - Pink
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Echeveria White Lotus
from A$15.00
Alluaudia Procera aka. Madagascar Ocotillo
from A$15.00
Agave Pygmae Dragon Toes - Fine Tooth Form
from A$15.00
Agave Desmettiana "Galactic Traveller"
from A$12.00
Spanish Moss aka "Old Man's Beard"
from A$8.00
Anacampseros Telephiastrum Variegata "Sunrise"
from A$10.00
Anacampseros Rufescens aka. Sand Rose
from A$5.00
Anacampseros Telephiastrum
from A$3.00
Aeonium Castello-paivae
from A$3.00
Agave Potatorum Shoji Raijin aka. "Blue Rose Agave"
from A$15.00
Aloe Christmas Carol
from A$6.00
Aloe Christmas Cracker
from A$6.00
Aloe Juvenna Tiger Tooth Aloe
from A$3.00
Aloe Paul Hutchison
from A$5.00
Aloe Vera
from A$3.00
Aloe Descoingsii Milky Way
from A$5.00
Aloe Aristata Lace Aloe
from A$6.00
Aloe Delta Lights
from A$5.00
Aloe Golly
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Agave Parviflora
from A$25.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Colorata Tapalpa Typ
from A$25.00
Sold Out
Crassula pubescens
from A$6.00
Echeveria Beverly
from A$8.00
Sold Out
Agave Americana Mediopicta aka. “ Yellow Striped Century Plant”
from A$15.00
Dischidia Ruscifolia variegata aka. “Million Heart”
from A$5.00
Aeonium Haworthii Pinwheel
from A$3.00
Echeveria Onslow
from A$6.00
Sold Out
Echeveria Noble Red
from A$10.00
Crassula Corallina aka. "Coral Crassula"
from A$3.00
Echeveria Fire and Ice
from A$6.00
Callisia Repens Pink Lady
from A$3.00
Callisia Repens "Turtle Vine"
from A$3.00
Calisia Fragrans aka. "Basket Plant"
from A$6.00
Ceropegia Linearis aka. "Chain of Needle"
from A$6.00
Ceropegia Woodii "Chain of Spade
from A$6.00
Ceropegia Woodii "Chain of Heart"
from A$4.00
Ceropegia Woodii "Chain of Heart Variegata"
from A$6.00
Agave Desmettiana Variegata aka. "Variegated Smooth Agave"
from A$18.00
Echeveria Fred Ivy Crested
from A$5.00
Agave Blue Ribbon
from A$20.00
Sold Out
Greenovia Dodrantalis Mountain Rose - Burgundy
Echeveria Subcorymbosa Lau
from A$5.00
Crassula rubricaulis aka. “Butterfly Bush”
from A$3.00
Sold Out
Cotyledon Tomentosa Bear's Paw Variegated
from A$8.00
Agave Gypsophila Blue Curl
from A$8.00
Aloe Mini White
from A$8.00
Agave Victoria Reginae White Rhino
from A$120.00
Aloe Plicatilis aka. "Fan Aloe"
from A$50.00
Aloe Barberae aka. "Tree Aloe"
from A$50.00
Agave Victoria Reginae cv. Golden Princess
from A$30.00
Agave Ovatifolia Vanzie “Whale’s Tongue”
from A$20.00
Agave Impressa
from A$25.00